TGOF YellowStone Reunion 2004 Remarks
Deanie, Bob and I wish to thank all those who attended the first “Gathering of Old Faithfuls”. It went off “without a hitch”; well, almost – Linnea and Mike announced their engagement! To date we have found about 95 savages, and 32 actual savages made it to the gathering, along with a couple, now honorary savages, Carol Boroughs & Judy Chapman. With spouses and kids a total of 64 attended the reunion.
33 years ago several like-minded people converged on the Old Faithful Lodge for a summer job, and for most it was their first summer away from home. The common bond was a sense of adventure, a love of the outdoors and the joy of camaraderie. Little has changed! The years melted away and old friendships were quickly renewed and new friendships formed. Even the spouses seemed to enjoy themselves!
Our gratitude to Cindy (Danielson) St Clair, who coordinated and delivered most of the scrumptious food for the three cookouts/ picnics, and her hubby, Steve, who served as the official TGOF photographer, and has sent us about 400 pictures to sort through.
We’re working on a CD of pics to send out to everyone. With Steve’s 400, and submissions from a number of other people we’ll cull them down to whatever will fit on a CD (500 or so) and get them mailed out sometime in the next few weeks.
Much appreciation goes to those who helped with the search contact attempts. The Troika will continue the search for lost savages, albeit at a slower pace, with the idea of a possible 2006 gathering. Several folks found late in the process, and/or who could not attend, have expressed interest in a future gathering, sooner rather than later. The searching process is time-consuming and expensive and any contributions to the effort are greatly appreciated. As of this date, pay site searching expense has cost $2200, against $1315 of welcome contributions.
A more extensive synopsis of the gathering will appear when time permits. Again, many thanks to all – it was a major hoot, with the only regret being simply not enough time to spend with everyone.
The Troika,
Deanie, Bob & Brian